Options Before Gastric Bypass Surgery


If you are intending to have a gastric bypass performed there are several steps you need to go through before the surgery. First off you’ll need to do some research for yourself and decide if a gastric bypass is for you. Then you’ll need to see your doctor.

Many doctors will insist on trying alternative methods of weight loss before moving on to the last resort as they call it. A gastric bypass surgery is permanent and an extreme form of weight loss. There are patients who undergo the surgery only to fail to lose their weight and keep it off. This can occur from cheating, falling back on old habits or a sedentary lifestyle. So if you really want to lose the weight by having a gastric bypass done you are going to have to make lifestyle changes in addition to the gastric bypass surgery.

There may be a two year period in which you work with your doctor before the surgery to make dietary and exercise changes. If you still cannot lose sufficient weight to be considered healthy then the doctor will move on to the next steps. You will discuss the various types of surgeries. You will have a variety of tests done on you, including blood gases and typing. Also you will have to get your gastric bypass surgery approved by your insurance. Some insurance companies may not approve the procedure if they feel you can lose weight by alternative means. That’s why its important to work with your doctor for up to two years and have a documented record of previous attempts to lose weight.

Also before your gastric bypass surgery you will have to visit with a psychiatrist for a mental competency evaluation and get approved. You will begin meetings with a nutritionist, preferably someone who has worked with other gastric bypass patients, about changing your diet and what to expect.